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PSAA-Central Indiana Chapter - Minutes 4/17/2008

A meeting of the Penn State Alumni Association Central Indiana Chapter was held at Chammps, downtown Indianapolis on Thursday, April 17, 2008, 7:00 PM.

The meeting was called to order by Ed McCauley

Financial Report – Eb McCauley
   ·No scholarship requests yet
   ·Looking into an Endowment Scholarship through the University
       ·Possible Goal: $50,000
       ·Paid for through fundraisers? Tournaments?
   ·It is possible to have different levels of scholarships
   ·Ed will look into the chapter starting at $30,000 and then moving to a $50,000 scholarship.

Golf Tournament Update - Brian

   ·Brian presented his proposal for the golf outing – details are in his 2 page handout.
   ·Kelly will send in the deposit as soon as possible.
   ·Ed signed the contract to be sent back to the course.
   ·Date is set for October 3, 2008, at 1:30 at the Krampen Course
   ·It was suggested to open up dinner to other guests not playing in the tournament.
   ·It was suggested we have a silent auction during dinner. Jack should be able to donate a signed Joe Paterno football for the auction. He will also talk to Tim Curly about attendance.
   ·Ed and other volunteers will schedule visits to nearby alumni chapters during their next meetings to advertise/invite them to join. This includes the Chicago, Cincinnati, and Central Illinois Chapter. He can follow up with an electronic flyer/registration sheet.
   ·It was suggested that we check with the University for any give-aways/favors
   ·Budget was approved, baring minor changes throughout planning process
   ·A pep rally/Blue Pep Band/Lion visit was suggested and will be investigated
       ·Place advertisement through the Alumni Association and Lions Tale.
       ·Place flyers at local golf courses
       ·Send flyers to local chapters
       ·Post flyers online
       ·Post an advertisement on chapter sites, on PSU listserv email, and on PSU Alumni Calendar/News post.
       ·For an extra $10, participants can register for a tailgate before Saturday’s game at Purdue. They will have to register for this and the tournament at the same time.
       ·Block rooms at local hotel?
       ·Advertise Sunday’s Colts game
       ·18-hole sponsors with $1,500 + foursome to play, or $1,000 per hole.
       ·Ed said he was good for 3-4 sponsorships
       ·Cart sponsors = $500, probably dividing sponsors evenly among the number of carts used
       ·Bar sponsors = $200
       ·Beer Cart

Paterno HOF Induction Update

   ·Saturday, July 19, 2008
   ·$175/per person, all access
   ·Tickets will be available on website this month
   ·There is a week-long event schedule on the website
   ·Ed will sponsor a table and the first 7 to commit will have a place at the table
   ·There were 2 unclaimed tickets that Ed was going to look into possible members with interest

Next meeting will be held in June

Meeting adjourned

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